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Zone Rep Report Q3/20

Autumn 2020

Many of us are hoping for a new year with a return to normal. It seemed we were on the right track last summer, but as I write this, Oregon, Idaho and Washington have all seen spikes in new COVID cases, Idaho especially, and we have new restrictions as we go backward. The 10 regions in Zone 6 did a great job of adapting and held a lot of events incorporating COVID protocols. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend any of those events outside of my home region, Silver Sage. One of those events, a tour over to Yellowstone and up the Beartooth and Chief Joseph highways in Wyoming, was a Multi-Region Event. Several other regions were represented and we also got to meet some Silver Sagers who don’t get over to Boise much. Shortly after that tour in September, gatherings were limited again.

I’m tired of COVID. If you are also becoming a couch potato, PCA has been working to give you some Porsche entertainment.

Our Executive Director, Vu Nguyen, has been hosting regular Tech Tactics LIVE videos on a variety of topics. He’s covered several Porsche maintenance topics and had one on garage lifts that got me considering a lift to make changing the oil in the Boxster easier. Nathan Merz of the Pacific Northwest Region was the featured speaker for a session on valuation of Porsches, originally scheduled for November 11. Those of us who signed in were surprised that YouTube shut down that evening, so the session was rescheduled for November 18. I’m sure it will be interesting. If you can’t make the live presentation, watch it and 10 other sessions on YouTube. It’s easy to check PCA.org, click on the header for “Technical” and click on Tech Tactics in the drop down menu.

I’ve also spent some time on the new PCA Mart, drooling over Porsches I can’t afford. PCA’s partnership with Hagerty gives us a great deal more information on the average values of the cars we are looking at. Another one of my favorite time killers is Rennbow.org. Panorama’s Editor, Rob Sass, is even more obsessed with unusual Porsche colors than I am and he put together a great site showing all the colors with histories and the models each color was used on. Post a picture of your Porsche(s) on the site.

Now that I’ve contributed to your bottom line, please enjoy the holidays safely and,

I’ll see you In the Zone in 2021.

– Mark

