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Zone Rep Report Q4/19

Fall 2019

Most of the Northwest experienced a cooler, wetter, September than normal, but it didn’t seem to effect the turnouts at all the Fall tours we have in the Zone. Zone Reps get copies of all the certificates of insurance in the Zone and for awhile I was receiving several each day! The Prusynski family traveled to Poland in September. It was a bit strange to travel in something other than a Porsche for a while.

We returned in time for Silver Sage’s Octoberfast, which has become a multi-region event with regular attendees from Inland Northwest, High Desert and other regions. November’s weather seemed more like September should be, which extended the season for driving our Porsches, even with the tops down. I’ve got the winter tires on now and many of you have probably put your Porsches to bed for the Winter. It will be a good time to enjoy all the tech sessions coming up in the Zone.

I’d like to extend a special thanks again to all those who helped and participated in the Zone Grand Tour this year. We’re looking at some new ideas for multi-region tours in coming years. Also, thank you to all 10 Region Presidents who guided their regions this year and to those new Presidents who will be coming on in 2020. Pacific Northwest Region celebrated it’s 60th anniversary in 2019 with so many activities that it seems like they had something going on every day. 2020 will be the 60th anniversary of our second largest region, the Oregon Region, and 2021 will be the 60th anniversary for the Cascade Region. We have a lot to celebrate!

I wish everyone the happiest of holidays and look forward to a great New Year in the Zone!


