PCA Zone 6 Logo


Zone Rep Report Q3/18

In the Zone

The snow flakes have stopped flying, mostly, the plants are blooming and Porsches are starting across the zone. It’s not just the Porsches starting, it’s the volunteers starting! Our club would not be the great club it is without the tireless work of our volunteers. Our club Officers who help to stay the course, at the Regional and National level, making sure all those things we enjoy and take for granted are there.

Communication is paramount in successfully running our club and without the mighty effort of our newsletter editors and/or webmasters we would not be the club we are today.

Take some time to look at all the events being put on in our zone in the next month and take a moment to think about all the effort, planning and coordination required to make it happen. That’s volunteers at work! Without them where would our club be? That’s a scary thought. The next club event you attend, thank the volunteer(s) that make it happen. Hopefully it’s you taking the well deserved “Thank you” from your fellow club members.

To all the volunteers that make it happen for us here in Zone 6 “Thank You”!!!!

The Zone 6 Grand Tour is coming to the Zone 6 Region you’re a member of, will you be part of the adventure? I can’t wait to do this! This is a huge undertaking (volunteers at work!) that will start July 25 in the Pacific Northwest Region and end 2 weeks later, August 8, in the Oregon Region. We will drive in ALL 16 Regions. If you can’t do the whole tour, we understand, and are planning it so members can pop in and out as schedule and time permits. Lots more to come as we put finishing touches and details together. I hope to see each and everyone of you on the road!

I’ll see you in the zone!


