PCA Zone 6 Logo


Zone Rep Report Q3/16

In what zone you ask? In the PCA Zone 6, your Zone.

PCA encompasses both Canada and the U.S.A. and that’s a lot of area to administer. To better support all our members this huge area has been divided into 13 Zones and each Zone has a Zone Rep assigned to it. I’m your Zone 6 Rep, the middleman between your Region and your fellow Regions and the PCA EC (Executive Council). My responsibility is to help with any issues or problems that might arise within the Region, pass on new and meaningful information that affects your Region and to help keep us moving in the same direction. All 13 Zones are governed by the same set of guidelines. I don’t think “herding cats” applies, but you get the idea.

Zone 6 is approximate 1,400,000 square miles and currently has 15 Regions. Looking at the map we include the Canadian Provinces of British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan. In the United States we include the States of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and part of Wyoming. That’s a lot of Porsche driving roads!

Here’s the question of the day, “Can you name all 15 Regions in your Zone?” The Bonus question is, “Can you name the soon to be 16th Region?”

So here’s the answer:

Canada West, High Desert, Vancouver Island, Cascade, B.C. Interior, Silver Sage, Polar, Inland Northwest, Wild Rose, Big Sky, Olympic Peninsula, Yellowstone, Pacific Northwest, Absaroka and Oregon. The bonus answer, Living Skies Prairie. I’m sure you can tell where most of the regions are by their names, some maybe not so sure and a few don’t have a clue. Your assignment is to figure out where those Regions are and get to know your fellow Porsche neighbors. Hint, the PCA website has a directory with a map.

In my opinion we have the greatest Zone of the group! Beautiful coastline, an ocean, a sound, islands, tall mountains, tall trees, short trees, no trees, wide open spaces, wild running rivers, dry river beds, lakes, dry lakes, the list goes on and on and last, but not least, GREAT PORSCHE ROADS!

Hope to see you soon and don’t forget it really is about the people.


